You can help the M.U.G.E.N Database by uploading a video for this article. but this is gonna be a HR sprite sheet, AND a Mugen RC. when i'm finished with the sheet i'll release it to sprite database,my buddy grim should post it, and if i'm lucky someone would use it for a flash mario game lol. This section currently contains no videos. super mario bros stage 1: Mini Games / Bonus Stage: 8th January 2013: Bane84 : Comments. sprites from the nintendo game, enlarged them 3x, and manually redrawn them. Find your favorite stage or discover a new one.

All, Aggressor & Rapist, Victim, Versatile. Download and enjoy stages from various anime, games, movies and more. Super Mario, The Black Heart (by Andrs Borghi), The King of Fighters (KOF), Touhou Project, Vanguard Princess. Despite the stage using parameters that only work with WinMUGEN to scale fighters down to a smaller size, combatant's default sizes not really looking out of place within the stage make it technically capable of working mostly without issue in newer versions of M.U.G.E.N, with the only real downside being that the stage stops being Super Jump compatible. Explore hundreds of stages for MUGEN, the 2D fighting game engine. A variety of different coloured Shy Guys drive around the track in the same way they did in the source game, with the large jumbotron in the background accurately keeping track of each racer's position on the track the jumbotron also displays a timer that starts counting up from the time 'fight' is called, though this is only correctly synchronised with the round starting after Kung Fu Man's intro has finished in WinMUGEN's default motif. Super Mario by ShinRyoga & NeOaNkH 2nd file: Stronger AI Patch by K.Y. Meta Crystal (also known as Metal Marios Stage and Metal Cavern) is a stage from the original Super Smash Bros it is where players fight against Metal Mario in the games 1P Mode, taking place before the battles against the Fighting Polygon Team and ultimately, Master Hand.

Find their other files Share Followers 0. Brawl, with the one major difference being that the fight takes place on a grated platform in front of the track's jump ramp rather than being on the ramp itself or on the section of track below it, due to technical limitations of the M.U.G.E.N engine making it impossible to properly replicate the stage as it appeared in the source game. super mario mugen character andersonkenya1 shinryoga & neoankh (3 reviews) By andersonkenya1. Luneth's version of Mario Circuit is similar in appearance to the stage as it originally appeared in Super Smash Bros. When SeanAlty released Mario, I remembered an image created by Tohad and took some time to create the stage, I hope you like the stage.

SS MUGEN All Stars Ep.56 - Retarded chars bashing 2 Nintendo