
Escape from monkey island choppy cutscenes
Escape from monkey island choppy cutscenes

Go to Wally's Maps-n-More shop, give him the wooden scrap from the cook's mop 17. Combine the knife with the cook's mop 16. Go back to the cook in the kitchen of Scumm Bar and give him the "Ingredients" book 15. Give Carla the frog and then borrow the "Ingredients" book 14.

escape from monkey island choppy cutscenes

During the sword fight with Carla say "I'm sorry" 13. Read and attempt to borrow the book "Ingredients" from the bookshelf 12. Go to the Governor’s Mansion and exhaust Carla's dialogue option to exit the conversation 11. Pick up the following items: the frog and the knife and interact with the disguise box 10. Go to the International House of Mojo, exhaust the dialogue with the Voodoo Lady 9. Go to the Low Street and exhaust Elaine's dialogue 8.

escape from monkey island choppy cutscenes

Get the untangled string item on the mini pier to the right side of the kitchen 7. Return to the Scumm Bar, enter the Kitchen and talk with the Cook and choose the mop related dialogue 6. Talk to Iron Rose (Quartermaster), say that you want to be a swabbie and expose yourself as Guybrush 5. Head to the left on the pier where LeChuck's ship is located 4. Enter Scumm Bar and talk to the 3 new Pirate Leaders and exhaust their dialog lines 3. Head down to the docks after ending the dialogue with the Lookout 2. Open the door and go to the bench on the right where Guybrush is sitting Part I - A Friendly Place1. Head through to the end of location to the right until reaching the purple wooden fence door 8. Exit the Scurvy dog Shack and go to the right after "your parents" 7. Go to the Scurvy dog Shack and give the slug/fake coin to the vendor to receive 2 Scurvy dogs 6. Enter the outhouse and pick up the slug (that looks like a coin) 5.

escape from monkey island choppy cutscenes

Exit the Scurvy dog Shack and combine the pegleg outhouse key with the outhouse door 4. Go to the Scurvy dog Shack and get the pegleg outhouse key 3. Note: Following this guide should take you around 1-1.5 hours to complete the game. Choose the last line during (most) dialogues in order to progress / end the conversation faster. Pausing the game DOES stop the timer, so use this to your advantage for the walkthrough 5. This guide is intended for those who already finished the game once. WARNING: This is a complete walkthrough guide containing all major spoilers of the game.

Escape from monkey island choppy cutscenes